Wednesday Wisdom, Vol.2, Iss 2

Wednesday Wisdom, Vol.2, Iss 2

Change, Change, Change: Nothing is Forever

Essence Magazine, March 1996
“In The Spirit”
Susan L. Taylor, Editor-in-Chief

Some changes we initiate; others are imposed upon us as we pass through life’s many stages. Whether a change delights us or makes us struggle, it always ushers in a new beginning. It forces us to be engaged in life, to focus, to continually give birth to new ways of being and seeing.

Though change is the constant of life, a natural and important part of our being and necessary for regeneration and renewal, it is the most difficult of life’s processes to embrace. Change is the dynamic of life that we cannot avoid.

We fear losing our jobs. But, we must keep reminding ourselves that we are not our jobs. We have jobs. We are so much more than the work we do.

We can create a better, more fulfilling life anytime we choose. We can create our own businesses, we can find new work that is meaningful and financially rewarding—if only we do not fear change, if only we believe in our innate creative ability and being doing the work.

No matter what predicament we face, we are all equal heirs to the gift of creativity. Fear, which leads to doubt and procrastination, is the enemy that holds us back. Nothing anchors us to a painful situation except fear of change and lack of faith. Our challenge is to stop dwelling on the problem and look for the solution. Remember, when one door closes another one opens.

We must find the newly opened door. What makes the critical difference in our experience of the beauty and joy of living is how we embrace change and how willing we are to begin again.