When starting a business, it’s important to have your finances in order. Part of that will likely mean dealing with some new tax considerations. To help with this, let’s take a look at some tips that can help you avoid any unwanted surprises while you’re getting a new business off the ground. 1. Be Aware […]
Continue Reading —›Written By Leo Babauta, and originally published on Zen Habits I spend a lot of time dreaming about things — incredible adventures I want to go on, self-improvement projects, all those books I plan on reading! And there’s nothing wrong with that. Dreaming is wonderful. What I’ve noticed, though, is that sometimes I get stuck […]
Continue Reading —›Written By Leo Babauta, and originally published on Zen Habits With the world in so much flux these days, many of us are noticing how difficult it can be to deal with ever-changing plans. It’s always been a challenge, but as with so many things, it’s become an in-your-face challenge these days. Some people really […]
Continue Reading —›Businesses across the world have faced a number of difficult business challenges during the pandemic. Apart from the health crisis, many have had to struggle with dwindling customer demand, supply chain interruptions, cash flow issues, and increased uncertainty. It was hard to get by then, and now is proving just as challenging as the pandemic […]
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