Going Back to School- Tips for Organization Leaders

Going Back to School- Tips for Organization Leaders

The back-to-school season can make anyone anxious. From business owners saying goodbye to summer interns, to nonprofit leaders managing a decrease in volunteer engagement, this time can be one filled with lots of transitions and anxiety. Wherever you find yourself this season, here are a few tips for maintaining your energy, productivity and engagement:

1. Re-frame Your Perspective
Whether you are a full-time organization leader, or a returning student now juggling the demands of work and school, it is important to recognize that this time is an opportunity for a fresh start. As a child, the end of summer meant that there was no more sleeping in, and that hours of playing outside would be replaced with hours of completing assignments. However, those last few days of summer were also filled with the anticipation of making new friends, getting new clothes, and learning new things. It is important to remember that when offered a fresh start, the possibilities before you are endless.

2. Revisit Your Business Plan
For students, a big part of adjusting to the expectations of the new year is following the course curriculum prepared by their teachers. Just as students and teachers follow the curriculum they planned for the year, organization leaders also need a plan to follow. This is a good time to revisit your own “curriculum.” If there are areas that need to be updated and improved, there is no better time to do so than now. If you do not have a business plan, now is also a great time to create one!

3. Plan for a Break
Have you ever returned from a vacation more tired than when you left? My parents knew about this phenomenon long before I did. I am certain that is why, as a child, they insisted that the last few days of summer be spent simply resting. They understood that the first few days before school began was not the best time to return from vacation, or to spend endless hours running errands. It was important that I returned to school with energy and renewed focus. As an organization leader, the same is true. As summer comes to an end, and you prepare for the new season, be sure to include a planned break as you are planning every other aspect of your business.

What are your thoughts? As an organization leader, what are some of the things that help you during the back to school transition?

Andrena Sawyer is the Founder and President of P.E.R.K. Consulting, a nonprofit and small business consulting company. In addition to her work with nonprofits and start-ups, she leads workshops on personal and professional development for women across the country. Much of her content can be found in her eBook, The Other Side of Assertiveness.