Author Archive for: ‘admin’

Wednesday Wisdom, Vol. 2, Iss 7

Wednesday Wisdom, Vol. 2, Iss 7

The following is an excerpt from The Other Side of Assertiveness. Dealing with Failure! In addition to letting go of the mistaken belief that she is always right, some assertive women  also have difficulty letting go of unmet expectations. In many instances assertiveness is used interchangeably with ambition. This book is not intended to create […]

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Spring Cleaning For The Mind

Spring Cleaning For The Mind

The company you keep is important.   Think about it, if you leave your coat in a room where people are smoking, pretty soon it will reek of smoke.  You can have on the best cologne or perfume, but enough exposure to any odious, stronger scent can overwhelm the sweetest and most beautiful scent. It’s the […]

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Women’s History Month: Healthy Eating for Healthy Living

Women’s History Month: Healthy Eating for Healthy Living

I loved the occasional indulgence as anyone else. An extra teaspoon of sugar in my coffee.  Or another (just tiny, please) slice of coconut cake.  And I thought, give or take an area of weakness, I was pretty healthy. So when my friend Ashley, the aspiring nurse practitioner, asked if she could monitor my eating […]

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Speaking Pink, Understanding Blue

Speaking Pink, Understanding Blue

I used to think dating relationships made sense…until I started dating! Guys and girls truly are different. Like speaking pink and trying to understand blue, something always gets lost in translation (I suggest you read the book Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs). I realized this all the more as I began my exploration of […]

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