Author Archive for: ‘admin’

Can Your Business Survive Without You? Here’s How To Be Sure

Can Your Business Survive Without You? Here’s How To Be Sure

By Andrena Sawyer If we were sitting down for coffee and I ask what you believe to be the most important factor for success in business, what would you say? If you’re like most people, you might respond that it’s something along the lines of perseverance, determination or talent. What if I told you that […]

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5 Ways Small Businesses Can Keep Busy Customers Happy

5 Ways Small Businesses Can Keep Busy Customers Happy

Contributed by Marissa Perez  In a fast-paced world, small businesses around the world are having to evolve and constantly make adjustments in order to stay relevant and thriving. Technology provides customers with more options than ever before, and they expect their experience with a company to be fast, convenient, and satisfying. Otherwise, they will simply move […]

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Why Your Business Ideas Aren’t Working

Why Your Business Ideas Aren’t Working

By Andrena Sawyer Did you know that you can give 110% effort and fail miserably, even with a good business idea? I’ve seen it more times than I can count–an eager entrepreneur has a brilliant idea and quickly forges ahead, only to come back disappointed that things did not work out. By the time they […]

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Want to Make Customers Happy? Give Them Back Time

Want to Make Customers Happy? Give Them Back Time

Contributed by Lindsey Weiss The days of leisurely browsing store shopping aisles are fading. Today’s consumer prioritizes quick and seamless transactions and tends to utilize technology while shopping for goods and services. They value their time and have more important things to do than wait. The secret to keeping your customers happy is to take as […]

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3 Reasons Personal Wellness Can Boost Your Productivity

3 Reasons Personal Wellness Can Boost Your Productivity

Your productivity is a huge factor in how successful you are. No matter what kind of work you do, the ability to manage project deadlines and effectively fulfill your responsibilities to go above and beyond what’s expected of you is a sure-fire recipe for success. However, if maintaining a high level of productivity was easy, […]

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