It is a fact that 90 percent of all women would like to change at least one aspect of their physical appearance (Girl Scout Research Institute, 2010). Could this be due to the amount of pressure being placed on women to display a certain image? I know from firsthand experience that low self confidence limits […]
Continue Reading —›P.E.R.K. Consulting invites all women to the 2014 Me, Myself & I: Let’s Talk about Personal Development workshop- an interactive workshop on personal development for women. Join other ladies for a time designed to inspire you to pursue your goals, enhance your self-esteem, and develop crucial life skills. Topics covered include: 1. Living…on Purpose (Get […]
Continue Reading —›Here are some daunting statistics regarding women and money: *Fewer than two in 10 women feel “very prepared” to make wise financial decisions. Half indicate that they “need some help,” and one-third feel that they “need a lot of help.” (Financial Experience & Behaviors Among Women 2010-2011 Prudential Research Study) *They number of middle and […]
Continue Reading —›The following is an excerpt from The Other Side of Assertiveness. Dealing with Failure! In addition to letting go of the mistaken belief that she is always right, some assertive women also have difficulty letting go of unmet expectations. In many instances assertiveness is used interchangeably with ambition. This book is not intended to create […]
Continue Reading —›I used to think dating relationships made sense…until I started dating! Guys and girls truly are different. Like speaking pink and trying to understand blue, something always gets lost in translation (I suggest you read the book Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs). I realized this all the more as I began my exploration of […]
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