Contributed by Rachel Wells If you are going to charge top dollar for a service, then you must deliver at least twice as much in value to your client. That’s my number one rule for client retention in my career coaching company, and it always guarantees 100% customer satisfaction and 5* reviews. It’s a business principle my […]
Continue Reading —›Here are some daunting statistics regarding women and money: *Fewer than two in 10 women feel “very prepared” to make wise financial decisions. Half indicate that they “need some help,” and one-third feel that they “need a lot of help.” (Financial Experience & Behaviors Among Women 2010-2011 Prudential Research Study) *They number of middle and […]
Continue Reading —›5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Bootstrap Without A Second Job (Article from Quitting your job is scary. Quitting your job after you just spent your savings buying an apt in NYC is another level of scary. That is exactly what I did when I left my banking job to start my own company. It’s a […]
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