Contributed By: Leo Babauta Many of us feel overwhelmed by all we need to do, and it can be downright stressful. I’d like to share three practices to take you from overwhelmed to just whelmed. You can’t eliminate stress, anxiety or the feeling of being overwhelmed from your life, nor would you want to. However, you can […]
Continue Reading —›I remember the first time I met him at a friend’s house. He was incredibly smart, charismatic and passionate—all the things I believed it took to own a successful business. As the night when on, I realized my original assumption was correct. I pulled out my phone and did a quick search of the guy […]
Continue Reading —›The company you keep is important. Think about it, if you leave your coat in a room where people are smoking, pretty soon it will reek of smoke. You can have on the best cologne or perfume, but enough exposure to any odious, stronger scent can overwhelm the sweetest and most beautiful scent. It’s the […]
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