I ran across a friend who’s been dreaming about starting his business for years … and he feels stuck. Like many people who want to start a business, write a book or a blog, or launch some other kind of creative or entrepreneurial venture … he’s stuck in overwhelm, indecision, inaction. I’m going to share […]
Continue Reading —›For many people, the holiday season is the busiest, most complicated, most stressful time of year. Holiday parties, gift shopping and wrapping, decorating, travel plans, end-of-the-year projects, planning for the new year … these are all added on top of your regular business. And life before the holidays was already pretty busy. So what can we […]
Continue Reading —›There’s never a good time to sit down and think about what you want to accomplish in life. We have busy lives, and even when we’re not busy, we might just feel more like vegging in front of the TV or checking our feeds than thinking about the rest of our lives. Do it today, […]
Continue Reading —›In a world where time in the office is tied to success, it’s no surprise that an estimated one in three adults are sleep deprived. In the race to get ahead, build businesses, support families, and make a difference in an ever-hanging economy has people intent on putting in the hours – at the expense […]
Continue Reading —›The company you keep is important. Think about it, if you leave your coat in a room where people are smoking, pretty soon it will reek of smoke. You can have on the best cologne or perfume, but enough exposure to any odious, stronger scent can overwhelm the sweetest and most beautiful scent. It’s the […]
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