As a nonprofit, your everyday work has a purpose greater than your private interests, and it’s your mission to get others on board to support you. One way to do so is to portray yourself as a professional, passionate advocate for your cause through nonprofit branding.
Continue Reading —›Have you secured a planned gift for your nonprofit?
If this is a new form of fundraising for your organization, know that it’s not out of reach! More complex forms of giving aren’t reserved solely for large nonprofits with sprawling development departments.
Small shops can also tap into planned giving and build thriving programs with the right knowledge and tools to simplify the job. Let’s review the essentials.
Continue Reading —›Filing Form 990 can be a daunting task for even the most experienced nonprofit professionals. Learn some tax-filing tips to help you work smarter, not harder.
Continue Reading —›Marketing your nonprofit can introduce you to new supporters, bring in more dollars, and increase awareness about your organization and cause. But does your nonprofit have a marketing plan? If the answer is no, you’re in good company. For many nonprofits, creating a marketing plan is perpetually on the to-do list, while marketing activities continue […]
Continue Reading —›Some amount of employee turnover is natural in every business. But you can prevent your natural turnover rate from devolving into chaos by implementing an employee engagement strategy that reduces burnout and turnover. Start with these four tips to foster a more sustainable work environment.
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